Ways to Support Lacrosse the Nations

Cliff Kigar | image

Cliff “Clifford” Kigar has played lacrosse as a member of the Olentangy High School and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute teams. His passion for the sport and for his community has inspired Cliff Kigar to participate in philanthropic activities with Lacrosse the Nations.

Lacrosse the Nations operates as an international community of lacrosse enthusiasts who use their love for the sport to improve educational opportunities and health care for children all over the world. Individuals can get involved with the Lacrosse the Nations (LtN) effort in a number of ways.

As a nonprofit, LtN relies heavily on the support and contributions of volunteers. Volunteer opportunities range from acting as a lacrosse coach for underprivileged youths to assisting in the coordination of LtN fundraisers. For more information on LtN volunteer opportunities and programs, visit http://www.lacrossethenations.org and download the full summary of LtN Team Up opportunities, including the Scoop for Loot and LtN Mini Jam fundraisers.

Individuals who do not have the time to volunteer but still wish to support the LtN cause can make a direct donation to the organization. These donations allow the group to continue using the sport of lacrosse as a teaching tool that imparts important life lessons and contributes to health education. Individuals can make a donation for any amount or make a $160 donation to the one-month nutrition program in Costa Rica. Donations can also be set as recurring monthly gifts.

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